Policies & Code of Conduct

Join us in creating a positive environment where everyone feels welcomed, valued, and respected.


All persons using the facility or grounds are expected to follow all YMCA policies and procedures.

YMCA patrons are expected to represent our Core Values of Caring, Honesty, Respect and Responsibility.

Physical or verbal abuse, assault, or offensive behavior of any kind is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

YMCA members and guests are expected to refrain from the excessive use of profanity or vulgarity.

It is prohibited to carry a firearm, deadly weapon, or dangerous ordnance anywhere on YMCA property. This includes the YMCA facility and surrounding property, sidewalks, driveways, parking lots, and vehicles.

The YMCA is a drug and alcohol-free facility. This also includes smoking or vaping on its grounds. The usage or sale of any drugs or drug paraphernalia on YMCA grounds is expressly prohibited.

Persons responsible for any loss of or damage to Y property or that of members, volunteers or staff can be held personally & financially liable.

The YMCA is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Please lock up all personal belongings in a locker.

Report all accidents and injuries to the front desk.

No food is allowed past the lobby area. Only beverages in spill proof containers are permitted.

Emergency doors are for emergency use only. Unauthorized opening of emergency doors may result in loss of YMCA privileges.

No public audio equipment. Personal headphones are permitted.

Age Guidelines

6 months to 8 years old
Can attend Kid Zone (members only). Parent/guardian must be in the facility.

8 years old and up
Can be in the gym unsupervised, but parent/guardian must be in the facility.

10 years old and up
Can be in the gym and pool unsupervised. No fitness center use.

12 years old to 15 years old
Allowed usage of the machines/cardio equipment in fitness center (with orientation from staff).

16 years old and up
Allowed usage of entire facility, including all equipment in the fitness center, and can use guest passes.

18 years old and up
Allowed usage of entire facility. Permitted to utilize After Hours, 24/7 Access with purchase of $30/yr fob.

Dress Code

Please wear proper gym, swim, and workout attire – this includes proper footwear. The YMCA reserves the right to determine the appropriateness of all attire and respects individuals who may wear attire that is reflective of their culture.


Members are issued a membership swipe card. Members must swipe their membership card at the front desk each time they enter the facility. Lost or additional membership cards may be issued at the front desk.

Two Adults & Children
Two adult household and any children living in the same residence under the age of 26. A total of 10 persons may be on one membership.

One Adult & Children
One adult household and any children living in the same residence under the age of 26. A total of 10 persons may be on one membership.

Any single adult 18 years and older. 

An individual over the age of 65.

Senior Couple
Two adults living in the same household with at least one individual over the age of 65.

A full-time student that is 13 to 18 years old with student ID or transcripts.

Children 5-12 years of age.

Military, Nationwide, & Guests

The Williams County Family YMCA participates in the current Armed Services YMCA and Department of Defense Outreach Initiative. To verify eligibility visit www.militaryonesource.mil.

Nationwide and Away Program
No matter where you are in the USA or abroad, you’re always welcome at any YMCAs you come across. Keep your valid membership card with you to show at other YMCAs. Call ahead to check if the Y you’re visiting participates! Participants must use their home YMCA 50% of the time. 

YMCA members throughout the state, country, and world are welcome at the Williams County Family YMCA when they present a valid membership card belonging to their YMCA. 

Guests are always welcome at the Williams County Family YMCA. All guests must check in at the front desk and complete a guest waiver.

One day guest passes:
Age 17 and under  $5.00
Age 18 and over $10.00
Family $20.00

If the guest is coming in with a member, the member has two free guests per unit per year that they can utilize.

Programs, Classes, & Personal Training

Programs / Classes
Members may register for class programs two weeks prior to the start of a session and one week prior for nonmembers. 

Class fees must be paid in full at the time of registration in order to guarantee your spot. 

Any class without a minimum number of participants may be subject to cancellation. If the YMCA cancels a class or program, a credit or refund may be issued if a significant portion of the class did not occur. No credit or refund is guaranteed.

Classes missed by a participant cannot be made up in a different session.

Schedules are subject to change.

Personal Training
Personal training is currently only being offered as YMCA recommendations to personal trainers who are independent from the YMCA. The personal trainers have their own rates and techniques and operate as their own business. 

Kid Zone

Our trained, certified, and caring staff with childcare experience will ensure your child has fun while you work out! The children will enjoy our play center, meeting new friends, and participating in fun activities. Children must be members so they can be properly accounted for in our system. Kid Zone is a members only service. 

  1. Parent/guardian must stay in the facility while Kid Zone service is provided. 
  2. Children 6 months through age 8 are welcome.
  3. Ratio is 1:10. If the staff is at ratio, parents may stay in the room until a spot opens.
  4. Parents must sign in and out upon arrival and departure. 
  5. An emergency contact form is to be on file for each family. Please inform staff if an update is needed.
  6. Any child that is showing symptoms of being sick is not permitted in the Kid Zone. This includes vomiting, diarrhea, fever, discharge from eyes or ears, or rash within the last 24 hours.
  7. You may bring in water for your child. No snacks permitted. Baby bottle permitted. 
  8. Babies and toddlers must be in a fresh diaper upon arrival. Older children should use the restroom before arriving. 
  9. Label all of your child’s belongings.
  10. Children can be in the Kid Zone for up to 2 hours per shift.
  11. Children must either wear shoes or socks at all times. 
  12. The staff may at any point retrieve parents.

Bard Family Foundation Fitness Center

Age Guidelines
Members and guests age 16 and older are permitted full use of the Fitness Center. Anyone 12 and older are permitted to use the cardio and selectorized machines, provided they have had proper orientation. Children under the age of 12 are not permitted on fitness equipment or in the free weight area.

Cardio Time Limit
During busy times or when people are waiting, please limit use of all cardio equipment to 30 minutes. Sign-ups may be required.

Cardio Time Limit: Specialty Equipment
Please limit use of specialty cardio equipment (machines that we have only one of) to 30 minutes at all times. If you would like to use a certain piece of specialty equipment for more than one 30 minute session, please allow at least 30 minutes in between sessions.

Circuits & Lingering on Equipment
If you intend to perform more than one set of repetitions on a machine, please allow others to work in between your sets. Be careful not to interfere with another’s workout by lingering too long on any one piece of equipment.

Care of Equipment & Safety
Use equipment safely and properly. Dropping weights is not permitted. Spotters are recommended for free weight use. If you are unsure about how to use a piece of equipment, you can schedule a 1-time appointment with a staff member to give you guidance.

Racking Weights
As a courtesy, when using free weights (or other movable equipment) please return them to their proper place at the end of your workout, making sure to strip bars and return plates to storage racks.

Gym Bags
For your safety, store personal items including gym bags, purses, extra clothing, etc. in the lockers whenever possible. If a gym bag is too large to fit into a locker, please be courteous, keeping all personal items in the bag and out of the way.

Closed water bottles are allowed. No food or gum permitted in any fitness area.

Members must spray/sanitize all equipment when finished. Cleaning spray and paper towels are provided.

YMCA staff reserve the right to determine equipment competency and limitations at any time to ensure the safety of participants and members.

After Hours, 24/7 Access

You must be 18 years or older and a member to utilize after hours access in the Bard Family Foundation Fitness Center.

AT NO TIME may you give your key fob to another person for their use. 

If we detect unauthorized facility use of your key fob, your fob will be temporarily deactivated.

Unauthorized key fob use may lead to the termination of your membership.

Only members with signed authorizations who have purchased an electronic key fob are allowed to use the area after hours without staff.

ALL members using the facility after hours MUST scan their key fob with EACH visit.

If your key fob is lost or stolen, it is your responsibility to contact the YMCA. Replacement of the fob has a cost of $15.

Your key fob will be deactivated when membership is canceled. 

You must return your key fob when canceling membership or you will be charged $15.

All other YMCA policies and conduct expectations are in effect during After Hours, 24/7 Access use.


Aquatics (Pool, Hot Tub, & Saunas)

Swimming is allowed only when a lifeguard is present and the pool is open. 

If only 1 lifeguard is on duty, only 1 side of the pool will be open.

Showers are required before entering the pool.

No coats or bags in the aquatics area.

No street clothing allowed in the water. Only appropriate swimwear attire.

No running or walking fast.

No breath holding beyond 10 seconds.

No rough housing (pushing, throwing, dunking, chicken fights, etc).

No playing on ramp rails or bulkhead. No swimming under the bulkhead. 

Starting blocks are for the competitive swim team’s use only.

Lap lane is for continuous swimming only. 

No socializing with the guard(s) on duty.

Only staff is permitted in the guard room, maintenance room, and office.

Classes have priority space in the pool.

Groups (pool parties, childcare kids, etc) are required to review pool rules with lifeguards before swimming.

Other rules as needed and enforceable at the discretion of YMCA employees.

Youth Policies in Pool Area
Children 3 years and younger must wear a water diaper under their swimsuit regardless of their potty training level. Regular diapers are not allowed in the pool.

Children must be 10 or older to go in the pool without adult supervision. Children age 9 and under must be accompanied by an adult in the pool area at all times. 

Those in the shallow end under 54”  must wear a puddle jumper/life jacket. Exceptions: parent/guardian is in the water with them or the child can swim.

Puddle jumpers and life jackets are allowed in the 4ft as long as a parent/guardian is in the water with the child. No puddle jumpers or life jackets in the deep end.

Children 12 and under must check-in with lifeguards to take the swim test. 

Only swimmers who have passed the swim test are allowed in the deep water. Over the swimmer’s head is considered deep water. 

Swim Test
As a child or group (birthday parties, childcare kids, etc), all must check in with the lifeguard every time you visit the YMCA pool area to verify your swim test status and receive a wristband.

Children 3 years and younger are not required to wear a wristband, but must be within arm’s length of parent/guardian or in a puddle jumper / life jacket.

Pass: green wristband
Fail: red wristband

  1. Jump in by the blue line on the bottom of the pool near 5ft – 7ft.  
  2. Return to the surface and swim with a front crawl or breaststroke unassisted and without resting.  
  3. Touch the wall and come back to the place you started.  
  4. Tread water or float on your back for 30 seconds. 
  5. Climb out of the pool.

The lifeguard conducting the swim test is expected to walk parallel to the swimmer during the test, therefore if the swimmer needs assistance in the event of not being able to continue.

Diving Board Rules
One diver is permitted on the board at a time. 

One bounce per dive only. 

Do not hang on the diving board.

Divers must weigh less than 300lbs.

Catching a child jumping off the board is prohibited.

Only forward facing jumps, dives, or flips off the board. 

After going off the board, swim back to the diving board wall. Do not swim through the lap lane.

Hot Tub
You must be 16 years or older to use or be in the room.

Only use for two 10-minute cycles. Bathers should have water to cool down between cycles.

Pregnant, elderly, or those with heart disease, diabetes, or high blood pressure should not use the hot tub without permission from their doctor.

Do not use the hot tub while under the influence of any drugs (including alcohol) that causes drowsiness or affects blood pressure.

Do not use the hot tub at a water temperature greater than 104°F. 

Long exposure may result in nausea, dizziness, or fainting.

Maximum of 4 people in the whirlpool at a time.

Dry saunas are located in men’s and women’s ADULT locker rooms.

Do not pour water on the heater in the sauna.

Swimsuits or shorts are required in the sauna.

For health reasons, please sit on a towel.

Do not use the sauna as a dressing room. 

No lotions, oils, or powders should be used before or during sauna use. 


Clean gym shoes must be worn at all times. Bare feet, socks, heelless or toeless shoes are not permitted. 

No pulling, hanging, or dunking allowed on the baskets.

No kicking of sport balls allowed unless under direct supervision of Y staff.

All sport balls must remain in the gym, never on the track.

Be respectful of gym space used by aerobics and programs. All sports balls must be kept away from the area used by aerobics and YMCA programming. 

No food allowed in the gym area.

All sport balls must be returned to the rack or front desk.

No throwing sports balls at other persons or against walls.

Please be conscientious and cordial about sharing the gym. The YMCA reserves the right to make changes to active gym use as needed. 


Children 8 years or older may use the track.

Slow runners and walkers move to the inside of the track, runners move to the outside.

No standing on the track. 

Please be courteous of others using the track and do not block others. Please walk / run in single file so others may pass.  

All runners and walkers need to move in the same direction. Signs are clearly marked on the track for the day’s direction. 

Racquetball Court

Reservations must be made 24 hours in advance and limited to 1 hour.

The Wallyball net is available upon request.

Individuals reserving the court must be present within 10 minutes after the beginning scheduled time period or the reservation will be forfeited.

Eye guards are strongly recommended.

Racquetball equipment is available for check out at the front desk.  Individuals can check out equipment by leaving a membership card, car keys, or an item of value. If equipment is damaged upon return or is not returned at all, the individual will be held responsible for the cost of replacement.

Children under the age of 12 must have a responsible person age 16 or older to supervise their activity.

Restrooms, Locker Rooms, & Saunas

Private restrooms with showers and changing stations are available near the gym.

The ADULT locker rooms are for members and guests 18 years or older. 

Adults with children 8 years and younger must use the FAMILY locker room. 

Youth ages 8-18 must use the family locker room of their gender or the private restrooms.

The YMCA is not responsible for any items stolen in the facility or from the grounds.

Please protect your personal belongings by locking your locker.

Locks may not be left on overnight. Locks will be removed and contents placed in lost and found if lock is left on overnight.

A limited number of locks are available at the front desk. Locks may be checked out by leaving a membership card, car keys, or an item of value with the front desk staff.

In the event a lock owned by the YMCA is lost, stolen, broken, or damaged, a $15 lock replacement fee will be added to your account.


Dry saunas are located in men’s and women’s ADULT locker rooms.

Do not pour water on the heater in the sauna.

Swimsuits or shorts are required in the sauna.

For health reasons, please sit on a towel.

Do not use the sauna as a dressing room. 

No lotions, oils, or powders should be used before or during sauna use. 

Electronic Device Policy

The YMCA is a safe place for everyone and we believe in protecting the privacy and well-being of all members and guests. Our safe environment can be easily compromised with today’s advanced technology in cell phones, smartwatches, etc. For the safety and privacy of our members and guests, the following policies have been put in to effect:

Electronic devices, including but not limited to cell phones, tablets and e-readers may not be used in locker rooms, bathrooms, or program areas.

Members are asked to be considerate of others while using cell phones for conversations or listening to music. When it is necessary to take a call, please move to a common area such as a hallway or the lobby. All personal music devices must be used with headphones at a volume level inaudible to others nearby.

Taking photos or recording video is not permitted at the YMCA without the expressed consent of administrative staff.

For the safety of all members and participants, electronic devices including cell phones are prohibited in the pool area. Lap swimmers are permitted to use waterproof personal music devices; they must be used with headphones at an acceptable volume level.

Members and guests should report any problems relating to others using cameras and cell phones to a Y staff member. 

Suspension, Termination, or Denied Access / Membership

The Williams County Family YMCA does not tolerate inappropriate, threatening or harassing behavior including but not limited to:

  • Use of profanity
  • Destruction of equipment or property
  • Sharing membership cards or After Hours, 24/7 Access fobs with others
  • Theft of any kind
  • Being in possession of or under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Sexual misconduct
  • Physical fighting
  • Verbal or other forms of harassment
  • Any other behavior deemed unacceptable by administrative staff

Such conduct will be grounds for the immediate suspension or termination of membership. No refunds will be issued.

Additionally, the protection of anyone at the YMCA is of paramount concern to the Board and staff. The Y automatically reviews sex offender registries and denies access and/or membership to any person the Y learns is a registered sex offender or sexual predator. Those who have been convicted of any offense relating to the use of, sale, possession, or transportation of illegal narcotics will also be refused. 

Service Fees, Refunds, & Cancellation

Membership is non-refundable and non-transferable. 

Notification in writing thirty (30) days prior to the next billing date (15th of the month) is required to terminate a membership. The cancellation form must be completed to honor this request. Forms can be requested at the front desk or managed with your online account.

Refunds will not be issued once a class, program, or other offering begins unless warranted by a doctor’s note stating a valid medical reason.

Should any member debt not be honored by the member’s credit card company or bank for any reason, the member is still responsible for that debt plus a service charge applied by the YMCA. This is in addition to any service fee the member’s credit card company or bank may charge. The membership is subject to termination if the debt is not paid.